From rukapedia
A place for various projects I've been involved with, past, present and future.
Open Source Software Projects
Utility Data Reading
Third Sector IT
GPS, GIS, Mapping, Geolocation
- Plazes
- iPlazer
- TinyPlazer
- Jaiku
- Set a Nokia N70 Clock from a Bluetooth GPS
- Making an OpenStreetMap handler for Operator
- PresenceRouter
- Using wlantools
Prince Edward Island Civic Data
- Downloading PEI Civic Address Data
- PEI Civic Address Lookup with AJAX
- Charlottetown Building Permits in RSS
- Charlottetown Transit Map
Voice Over IP
Other Current Projects
Projects from the Past
- [Yankee Publishing]
- City Cinema
- Brackley Drive-in Theatre
- Automating Metro Credit Union Online Banking
- rukwubben
- Open Bread
- Learning Ruby
- Flickr fiddling
- Places Launcher for Sony PSP
- Talk to Google Talk from PHP
- Call Anywhere
- Phone Photo Sync
- Open Locations
- Websites That Need RSS
- Downtown Charlottetown Statistical Information
- class.dynix.php
- Share on Ovi API
- Prince Edward Island Real Estate Websites
- Provision Mac Mini Server as Player
- Prince Edward Island Newspapers
- Things That Are Not What They Used To Be
- Trent Radio