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JaikuGrowl is an AppleScript that allows you to receive alerts from Growl whenever you or any of your Jaiku contacts emit a new "Jaiku".

The script works by reading your personal Jaiku RSS feed every five minutes and alerting you to any new Jaikus that have occured since the last time it checked.

System Requirements

XMLLib osax -- an AppleScript addition that allows for XML parsing (required to read and process the Jaiku RSS feed). Follow the installation instructions in the download package.

Your Jaiku screen and personal key (get your get from http://jaiku.com/api/key once you're signed in to Jaiku).

Growl set up and running on your machine.


Once you've installed the XMLLib osax, grab the AppleScript source code (see below) and open it in Script Editor.

You shouldn't need to modify the code at all.

In Script Editor select File | Save As... and save the file with a Format of Application and un-check the Startup Screen and Stay Open boxes and check the Run Only box.

Execute the application you've just saved. You'll be prompted for your Jaiku screen name and personal key; enter these and the application will start checking your RSS feed, updating you when new Jaikus are found:


Quirks, Bugs and Problems

Stopping the Application

There doesn't seem to be any graceful way of stopping the application from running: you need to select the running application in the Finder, and press Control + Period to exit. The AppleScript should stop running when you do this.

Screen Name or Key Problems

There's no checked to see whether your Jaiku screen name and key entered are valid, so if you mis-enter them, it's likely things will go horribly awry and you'll get some AppleScript error messages. If you've done this, simply throw the file /Library/Application Support/Jaiku/JaikuSettings in the Trash and run the application again.

Growl Problems

If Growl isn't running when the script starts, it will stop. Later versions may handle this more gracefully.

Source Code

You can browse the source code from a browser, or grab the latest version of the source code using Subversion at:

You can grab the latest version of the source code using Subversion at:




Change Log

April 1, 2007 - Version 0.3

  • Corrected typos in "the_screenname" variable
  • Changed location for avatars, cache and settings file to the user ~/Library/Application Support folder (instead of the system-wide one)
  • Settings file is now properly written out to disk after first run