100 Prince Street
This is the address of our house in Charlottetown. Built in 1827 by builder Henry Smith (who, with his brother Isaac Smith, built Province House and Fanningbank), the house is a small Georgian-style building set close to the street. We're fortunate to have a large back yard that extends almost all the way to Hensley Street in the back.
46°14'8.74"N (46.235760°)
63° 7'26.73"W (-63.124092°)
Historical Notes
My friend G. has been saving notes that he finds in the Provincial Archives about 100 Prince St. I've pasted his findings here, in chronological order:
PEI Register - Tues., 1 April, 1828 - THE Office of the Assayer of Weights and Measures, is Removed to the House lately occupied by Mr. Henry Smith, fronting on the East end of Queen's Square. March 31. G.R. Goodman
PEI Register - Tues., 1 April, 1828 - REMOVAL -- The Subscriber has removed to the House lately occupied by Mr. Henry Smith, fronting on Queen's Square, within three doors of Mr. S. Nelms, where all notices of MARRIAGES, FUNERALS, &c. &c. are requested to be left. - James Moore
Royal Gazette - Tues., 30 Nov., 1830 - JOSEPH WEEKS - BOOT & SHOEMAKER - BEGS leave to inform the Inhabitants of Charlotte Town and it vicinity, that he has commenced business in the house of Mr. Richard Gibson, between Capt. Nelmes's and Mr. Henry Smith's fronting Queen's Square - where he hopes by strict punctuality and attention to his business, to merit a share of public patronage. He has just imported an excellent supply of Sole and Upper Leather.
Islander - Fri., 2 April, 1852 - DIED - On Friday, 25th inst., in the 28th year of her age, of Inflammation of the Lungs, Mary, wife of C.B. Smith, eldest daughter of Henry Smith. Truly her end was peace.
Haszard's Gazette - 19 July, 1854, p 3 - Contract for Building a Cottage. Tenders will be received until Wednesday the 26th, at 12 o'clock at the works, for building a Cottage at the Gas Works. Plans and Specifications may be seen at Mr. Henry Smiths. By order of the Board - D. Rennie, Sec'y. - Charlottetown, July 19th, 1854.
Royal Gazette - 21 Feb., 1856 - DIED - On the 18th instant, at her residence on Prince Street, after an illness of three weeks, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. Isaac Smith.
Islander - Friday, 22 Feb., 1856 - DIED - On Monday morning last, at her residence in Prince Street, after an illness of three weeks - Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. Isaac Smith. By this sad event her sorrowing husband has lost a devoted and affectionate WIFE; and her bereaved sons and daughters - A MOTHER indeed. She died IN THE LORD.
Island Register - 1859 - Passengers of the Prince Edward include Smith, Henry and Wife Anne (nee Bovyer) Children Henry Jr., John, Margaret, Catherine, Isaac, and Anne.
Examiner - Monday, 11 Sep, 1865 - page 3 - RARE CHANCE FOR INTENDING PURCHASES THE SUBSCRIBER has received instructions to offer for sale ALL THE LANDED PROPERTY belonging to HENRY SMITH, Esquire, of Auckland, New Zealand. This Valuable Property comprises One half a TOWN LOT, fronting on Prince Street, being portions of Lots Nos. 56 and 57 in the 2nd hundred, with a two storey DWELLING HOUSE and a STABLE thereon. It is situated in a central part of the city, convenient to the Ferry Wharf, and in as desirable a localiity for a residence as can be found in Charlottetown. Also the property on Richmond Street, comprising TOWN LOT No. 62, in the same hundred. This property consists of a DWELLING HOUSE having two tenements - both of which are rented - a spacious yard and Lumber yard, and is very eligibly situated on the North side of Hillsborough Square, commanding an excellent view of Hillsborough River and Harbor. Thiese Properties are well worthy of the attention of all parties desirous of purchasing, as they will be sold at as cheap a rate as any on the market. If they ae not disposed of before the FIRST day of OCTOBER next, they will then be offered at PUBLIC AUCTION. For terms and other particulars apply to THOMAS ALLEY Charlottetown, Sept. 11, 1865.
Semi-weekly Patriot - Sat., 29 April, 1876 - DIED - In this city on Friday, 28th inst., after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Jane A. Wellner, wife of W.B. Wellner, Esq., aged 55 years. Funeral Monday next, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, Prince Street, to proceed to the Station, and thence by train to the Cemetery.
Daily Examiner - Thurs., 6 May, 1880 - page 2 - DIED - At Auckland, New Zealand, on the 31st January, Mr. Henry Smith, formerly a resident of this city, aged 85 years. Mr. Smith was a well known and highly respected citizen of this town for many years, and emigrated with his family to New Zealand on the "Prince Edward" in the year 1858. "The memory of the just is blessed."
Daily Patriot - Weds., 7 Nov., 1894 - page 2 - DIED - On September the 19th at his residence, Wellington Street, Auckland, New Zealand, Henry Smith, builder, formerly of Prince Edward Island, aged 66 years.
The Guardian - June 16, 1924 - Mrs. E.W. McKinnon and her son, Master Charles, leave this morning on a few weeks visit to Boston and New York. On their return Mr. McKinnon and family will take up their resident in the Wellner home, 100 Prince St.
The Guardian - July 9, 1935 - Table of default for assessment due on real estate lists Reid, Beulah, House and land 100 Prince St., $38 (real estate), $47.90 (sidewalks), $85.90 (total).
The Guardian - January 3, 1956 - Can accommodate two college students. 100 Prince St. Phone 6755.
Photo of Henry Smith (builder of the house): Guardian Weds., 26 July, 1905, page 3